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More Bloomers! Yippeeeee!

I always get excited to get new merchandise for the shop - and this is no exception! Ruffles! Who doesn't love ruffles?! (Okay, I know you are out there, those of you who don't swoon over ruffles... let's still be friends, alright?)

Jami - my long-lost sister of a friend - of Built In Pittsburgh made these for theOutfit. Super soft 100% cotton pants outfitted with ruffles and ribbons to make the sweetest of bloomers. Perfect under a summer dress, or with a sassy t-shirt.

Available in sizes 3 mo - 4T.

We still have just a few styles available in the original shipment, available here. The new shipment, pictured with this post, will be available in-store, or email me for purchase information.

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